
How Does Maintaining my Dental Equipment Improve Re-sell Value?

How Does Maintaining my Dental Equipment Improve Re-sell Value?

It is no secret that most dental practice clinics have idle equipment occupying valuable space. Unfortunately, unused medical supplies and equipment have a high depreciating value. In a nutshell, this is the total value your medical equipment loses to a point where it holds little residual worth.

The reality is, there is a booming market for all forms of pre-owned medical equipment in excellent condition. Atlas Resell offers an efficient networking platform for health experts with a ready market by shipping cast-off medical products to various parts of the world. With a great desire to prevent waste generation, Atlas collaborates with donor companies to ferry much-needed technology to nations with minimal resources of purchasing new supplies from the US.

Most impressive, a dedicated team of in-house technicians reviews the equipment, makes repairs and revamps before shipping. With the cost of medical supplies spiraling at an alarming rate, it is essential to recoup your business expenses by enhancing the resale value of your equipment in the following ways.

1.  Preventive Maintenance Practice

A regular equipment maintenance schedule keeps your dental equipment in an excellent state without incurring extra costs on repairs. The process involves having a technician inspect and replace worn-out parts.

Create a to-do maintenance list on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual routine basis for a seamless process. UptimeHealth’s task management platform can help you manage these preventative maintenance tasks and can provide you with the data and analytics you need to know when you are looking to buy or sell a device. Having this data will help you best assess when it is time to sell your equipment. Scheduling periodic equipment audits to help you track inventory and identify any missing or damaged items and having all your equipment in good working condition increases the chances of getting a better resale price.

2.  Introduce in-house Labeling and Equipment Organization

Storing medical equipment in designated spaces lessens damages or scratches. Depending on your preference, simplify the entire process by arranging equipment according to size, function, or type.

The brighter side of this tactic saves time as employees find pieces of equipment at ease. Likewise, the well-maintained gadgets attract high-end clientele likely to pay more.

If you are like most who have gone digital with this day and age, you have the ability to access UptimeHealth’s equipment management portal where you can store all of your device data and repairs in one convenient location. This allows you to stay on top of necessary repairs or replacements and have more time to adjust and plan for any equipment malfunctions or financial pressures.

3.  Categorize your Equipment When Selling

Getting rid of medical supplies without clear guidelines can be a messy affair. Remember that you intend to help potential buyers understand how the equipment works, specifications, and significance in customer satisfaction and business growth. In other terms, ensure that a purchaser gets a clear picture of the item and confirms whether it requires repairs or replacements. Stakes are high that a potential purchaser armed with this information may close the deal with minimal negotiations. In addition, equipment categorization minimizes theft or loss throughout the selling process.

4.  Review Emergency Measures with Workers

Insightful dental practices prepare for eventualities way before they occur. Imagine a situation where equipment breaks down during a procedure. Coming up with swift and solid solutions undeniably offers customer satisfaction and saves the company from future litigations.

When in such a tight spot, the best solution is allocating a staff familiar with emergency procedures and know-how to swiftly find replacement parts or technicians. You can cut down potential risks of severe damages on your apparatus by setting stiff regulations on the best way forward in case of unexpected catastrophes.

5.  Have a Designated Storage Area

With several people working in one spot, inferior equipment organization increases dental clinics' losses or damages. Set a designated storage area to help you keep things in order. You can opt for a closet, specific room, or even a cabinet.

By having everything in one place, staff can quickly find what they need. Additionally, proper storage minimizes apparatus misplacement or damages that reduce resale worth.

6.  Clean Dental equipment and Check Damage before Selling

Placing dirty and dusty dental equipment may not attract the right audience and desired price. Instead, the chances are high that you might get a low resale offer or nothing at all. Dust accumulation also makes the equipment look old and out of order (even when functioning correctly). Nonetheless, cleaning and polishing the equipment before selling it increases the probable value by approximately50%.

Before placing your offer in the market, check for any damage caused by wear and tear. Remember, while technicians handle most minor issues, extensive spoilage may affect the equipment's resale value. It might be better to sell the equipment in its present state and cut your losses.

7.  Renew Certification and calibrations

Scheduling regular calibrations and certifications procedures keep your equipment running and in top condition. The process also ensures that the machinery remains updated in the ever-changing market.

It is also an excellent way to catch potential problems before they escalate. Depending on your state regulations, seek certification for recommended apparatus like the X-ray unit. Eventually, you end up protecting your investment and extending the life of your equipment.

8.  Collaborate with Trusted Logistics Network

Even with well-functioning used equipment, finding the best buyer without connection can be difficult. Join forces with a reliable logistics network like Atlas Resell for a slick buy and sell process.

The beauty is that a dependable network ensures that your equipment reaches its destination in good condition leading to quick and prolific sales.


Appropriate maintenance on your dental equipment is not only critical for its day-to-day operations but also increases its resell value. Even so, dentists face several predicaments when disposing of old equipment without expert guidance. Consider that several other dental offices jostle for customers in the same market. Thus, keeping up with several customer queries and managing listings on numerous platforms can get on your nerves. In such a situation, working in partnership with honest logistics brands like Atlas Resell remains the wisest decision. We can provide our clients with preventative maintenance techniques and software while Atlas will be there when you are ready to buy or sell.